My guest this week is Debra Lewis, National Sales Representative from Vintage 59 importers.  I so enjoyed a tasting we did when Debra was in town, and the stories she tells of the many family vintners in the portfolio wines we tasted together.  Why not share some of the stories and taste some wine together. Vintage’59 is on Facebook & X

VINTAGE’ 59 Philosophy: “As importers, we look for wines with depth of fruit, length and elegance, rather than for obtrusive oak, over-extraction, or excessive alcohol. That said, we don’t tell growers how to make wine because that’s their expertise, not ours. And we don’t work with fatheads, regardless of how good their wine might be, because it’s not worth it. The company focuses on the rich relationships that spring from the community of growers, instead of just the commercial imperative. So we look for people who share sensibilities, and that makes them as important as the wine they produce. The rule is simple: you work with people who make you proud and whose wine you drink at home.”  Learn more about Vintage 59

Debra came to work for Vintage ’59 Imports with a varied past. She has sailed around the world, lived and worked in France, ran a city-wide art program in Los Angeles, and worked both front and back of the house in restaurants. It was in restaurants in North Carolina where her wine education began as a buyer.

She moved to distribution as a salesperson, and then became a sales manager before going on to run a nationwide brokerage of small French producers. She built lasting relationships with these growers, and brought a number of them with her to V59. From Debra’s perspective, V59 continues this thread of having a deep history and personal relationships with each of the domains it represents.

Debra is part of the national sales team in the Southeast, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Midwest, where she finds pleasure each day working with the family of Vintage 59 growers and sharing their wines with consumers.

We will be tasting three wines from the portfolio, call your favorite Wine & Spirits shop and get one or all three and join us.

Good Life Guy’s Wines of The Week from Vintage59 Importers:
The links below will take you to tech sheets for each wine! 🙂
2022 Domaine Thierry Merlin Cherrier Sancerre

2022 Domaine de SAJE Côtes-du-Rhône

2021 Chateau Haut-Monplaisir Cahors “Tradition” Malbec

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